We want your online transactions with us to be as smooth as possible, but sometimes things do go wrong. To help us direct the issue to the correct department, please select the option from the list below that relates to what you were trying to do when the problem occurred.

Please be aware that our office hours are 9am-5pm, Monday to Friday, and whilst we will endeavour to get back to you as quickly as possible, messages sent outside these times are unlikely to receive a response until the following working day.

Before contacting us, please check that the system you are trying to access is running using our Service Status page.

If you are having difficulty accessing your JDC / JAC / JRPC account on the EHB Player System, please click here...

If you are having difficulty accessing, or setting up, an EH account to book a Coaching Course or Workshop, or are having difficulty booking and paying for a course once logged in, please click here...

If you are having difficulty accessing, or setting up, an EH account to book an Umpiring Course, or are having difficulty booking and paying for a course once logged in, please click here...

If you are having difficulty accessing, or setting up, an EH account to sign up for, or renew Coaches Membership (including Insurance), or signing up and paying once logged in, please click here...

If you are having difficulty accessing, or setting up, an account on HockeyHub, to complete the Rules Test, or Online Safeguarding Test, please click here...

If you are having difficulty accessing, or setting up, an EH account to sign up for, or renew a subscription for Hockey Magazine, or signing up and paying once logged in, please click here...

If you are having difficulty posting a job on the EH website, please click here...

For all other issues, please click here...

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